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TeshuvAH - CHOOSING "AH" - to Be "One" with Christ

Updated: Oct 9, 2022

TeshuvAH – Choosing AH – to Be One

Today is the Day of the Great Trump – the day announcing the time of His Presence. The Bridegroom is here with us. We have RIGHT NOW entered into His Heaven within us. (Luke 17) He is “the true Light that is IN us, and we are IN Him. (D&C 88) Today we abound, we LIVE IN Him, we thrive IN Him. Today we Re-Ceive Him, in ALL His Abundance and His Peace and His Joy and His Righteousness, and we are ETERNALLY Embraced in the Arms of His Love – for Today is the great Day of TeshuvAH – the Day of Re-Pent-ance, the Day of Awakening to His Perfect Love and our Life IN Him from henceforth and forever.

We are filled with His GLORY and PRESENCE today and henceforth. This is the Great Day of His Mercy and His Grace and His Love. Today He is IN us, and through us, and all around us and all within us, and He is above us, and we are BY Him, and OF Him, we choose to be Loved by Him and Possessed by Him. (D&C 88:41).

Baruch HaShem – Blessed be the Name of the Lord!!!!

Today we are brought back into One with Him – we are no longer separate, nor divided from Him in our minds or our Hearts. Our hearts are completely and utterly given to Him. And His great heart is OUR heart. His heart beats within us and gifts us Eternal Life. We stand IN His "Glory" and His "Presence", His Spirit. He has given us EVERYTHING – His kingdom in total One-ness with Him. He is our Truth, our Way, Our life., Thee Word of God (John 14:6; 1:1) We confess His Hand in ALL THINGS, and we stand in unashamed great-Fullness for ALL THINGS that He has gifted us. We are the sheep of His fold and He is the Bread and Waters of Our Eternal Life.

He has come and Re-deemed us and made us Whole and Complete and Perfect in His (W)hol-i-ness. We are washed Clean, pure, Holy, justified in His Spirit, and Sanctified IN His Blood. We are now clean and Holy and Perfect IN Him. And it is ALL because of His Mercy and His Grace and His Perfect Love for us. He is our strength, our Bridegroom, our Light, Our Life, Our All. Today we declare our Wedlock IN Him, we are His bride! We are His!

He has delivered us from our carnal, sensual, devilish Selves. We choose to Live in a fullness of Him, for He is the Living Waters, the Tree of Life, the Tree of Eternal Love. He IS THE WAY. Today is the first day of His 1000 years of Millennial Feast with Him. Today we choose voluntarily, willingly, whole-heartedly to Enter into Wedding covenant to BE His – to surrender completely to Him, to BE guided, protected, cherished, and loved by Him and to Re-Ceive Him unto our hearts in totality. We no longer desire to focus on our Selves, the Natural man, the En-emy TO God, nor be bound under the sin of our self-ish-ness, our vanity, our pride, our fears, our envy, our jealousy or our lusts for possessions or position or power or pleasure. Our only pleasure and treasure is IN Him. Our only focus is ON Him. We no longer choose to walk in the darkness that we have been, but to walk IN His Light. We submit and surrender ---- to yield our hearts unto Him to be completely Sanctified by Him (Helaman 3: 35) We abandon our Ego Selves into His abundant Arms of Love.

Today our ego self is crucified WITH Him, and we are Re-Surrected from the grave of Self to be a WHOLE and NEW creature IN Christ. We are IMMERSED in His Holy Spirit and are BORN “OF” Him and arise into Heaven with Him. We are Bone of His Bone and flesh of His Flesh. (Ephesians 5: 30, Ezekiel 37:7) We are Members of His Body. We are branches of HIM, the True VINE. (John 15:1) We choose to Re-Pent and Come unto Him with ALL out Hearts and BE His Church – the Church OF the “Firstborn”. (D&C 10: 60-68) We no longer procrastinate our salvation IN Him, nor do we even choose to any longer be apart from Him, nor to go our own way. We no longer choose to trust in the arm of our own flesh nor any other flesh, but ONLY trust fully IN Him. Today we see the importance that no flesh can dwell IN His Presence except by His Merit, and His Mercy and His Grace. (2 Nephi 2:8) We no longer choose to be participants in the “Abomination that has made us “Desolate”. We no longer seek to become our own version of Him, to exalt and save our selves, to Become our own God, but to revere Him and worship Him as our ONLY Saviour. We no longer choose to worship our Selves and what we are becoming. We worship our Lord, our Husband, our ONE and Only God. We no longer deny His Power to Redeem and perfect us. We no longer choose to reject His great offering of Marriage – wherein He offers to love and cherish and provide and protect and care for us and lead us to the ample waters of His Love wherein we have NO Hunger and No more Thirst. We are utterly and completely FULL-FILLED IN HIM.

His Will is our will. We choose today, RIGHT NOW, to BE filled with His Love, His Spirit, His Joy, His Peace that passeth all understanding (Philipians 4:7), and we “SEE” ALL THINGS through His Eyes. His thoughts are NOW our thoughts, and His ways are NOW our Ways. (Isaiah 55:8) He has gifted us the power to fully make this “CHOICE”, and today we make this choice once and for all – to BE His bride – to BE ONE within Him. We have seen through the bitterness and pain of our Self-ish-ness and ego Pride, and we no longer choose to walk in that path. We now “SEE” clearly that IN HIM is the ONLY Way, the way of Love, and Truth and Light and Abundant Life. He is Charity, the Pure Love of God, and we choose to be Possessed of Him. (Moroni 7:48) Today He is our First and ONLY Love, our Treasure, and we ARE His Love! He is our Rest, the Fulness of Glory, Spirit, Presence, our Comforter in ALL THINGS, our Holy Spirit of Promise. the One who quickens ALL THINGS, our Strength, the One who brings us in ALL truth and Light and Love, The Giver of ALL good gifts, our ALL.


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Jeff is a disciple of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His mind is disciplined by persistent study of the word of God. He boldly stands and teaches the gospel in ways that touches peoples hearts to be able to see deeper layers revealed in the scriptures.

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