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Updated: Sep 13, 2021


Read 2 Nephi 2: 15-16 Life is a Gift – to see the contrast and choose between Bitter and Sweet


1. Come unto Me , All ye that are weary and heavy laden, for I will give you REST – A Fulness of Glory.

Matthew 11: 28-30 (D&C 84)

2. Choose ye this day whom ye will Serve – God or Mammon (Self) Joshua

3. Ye may come and partake of the Waters of Life Freely, but ye are not compelled Alma 42:27

4. Those who believe in My Name, these are they that shall have eternal life, and salvation cometh to none else. Alma 11:40

5. Put off the Natural man self through AT-One-ment with Christ. Mosiah 3:19

6. Search the scriptures, for they are they which testify of Me, but ye will not come unto Me

that ye may (actually) have (the Gift of ) Eternal Life John 5:39

7. This is MY Gospel, the glad tidings, the good news: That I, The Lord Omnipotent, came into the world to be crucified for the world, to sanctify and cleanse the world of all UN-righteousness, and to save ALL the works of His Hands. D&C 76:40-43

8. Salvation/Justification/Sanctification is by Grace ALONE, so that no man may Boast. It is a GIFT OF GOD!! Ephesians 2:8-9 JST Romans 3:24

9. The Way is prepared and Salvation is FREE. ALL men/women are Free to choose Liberty and Eternal Life through the Messiah. 2 Nephi 2: 4, 27 and Bruce R. McKonkie

10. How great the importance that all mankind may know that no flesh can dwell in the PRESENCE of God, save it be through the merits, mercy and Grace of the Holy Messiah 2 Nephi 2: 8

11. I AM the TRUTH, THE WAY, The Law and The Eternal Life John 14:6 3 Nephi 15:9

12. The is Life Eternal, to KNOW The ONLY TRUE GOD & Jesus Christ whom He has sent. John 17:3

13. Since all men have fallen, they can merit NOTHING of themselves. Alma 22:14

14. En-emy = WITHIN ME. My natural man self is THE En-Emy TO GOD – NOT GOD”S enemy. Mosiah 3:19

15. He that shall lose his life for Me, shall find Eternal Life IN Me. Matthew 16:24-26

16. EXALT not your self. I am not pleased with those who seek to excel.

D&C 112:8,12, 14-15 D&C58:41

Come unto Me , All ye that are weary and heavy laden, for I will give you REST" – Fulness of Glory Matthew 11: 28-30 (D&C 84)

17. I am with you always, I will not leave you comfortless, I will come and Abide In you.

John 14 ALL

18. Nothing can separate you from Me or My Pure Perfect Love Romans 8: 38-39

19. This is My Church, those who Re-Pent and Come unto Me – whose sayeth more than this is not for Me but is against Me and is not OF My Church. D&C 10 : 60-67

20. No POWER or influence can be maintained by virtue of “Priest-Hood”. D&C 121: 41

21. Christ (filled) their souls with joy and consolation, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God.

Sanctification (of Self) cometh by Yielding our hearts unto God. Helaman 3: 35

22. Ye are justified, Sanctified by the BLOOD of Christ = The Reception of The Holy Ghost Moses 6: 60-61, 3 Nephi 27:20

23. The Greatest GIFT of God is Eternal Life (it cannot be earned or acheived) D&C 14:7

24. There is no Greater Gift of God than Salvation D&C 6: 13 Salvation from what? Self! Sin! Same thing.

25. Look unto Me in ALL THINGS!!! Even so much as ye trust in Me, even so much, I can deliver you!

26. I AM the VINE, ye are the branches, ye can do NOTHING Without Me John 15: 1-12

27. Sin is Not Believing in Him. John 16: 7-9

28. Jesus is the Christ, ye might have Eternal Life through His Name John 20:31

29. He has given us by His Divine Power, ALL THINGS that pertain unto Life and Godliness, through the Knowledge of Christ. 2 Peter 1: 3

30. The God of ALL Grace makes you perfect and has called you unto Eternal Life. 1 Peter 4: 10

31. This Mystery hath been hid for all ages, is Christ IN you, the hope of Glory (Love, Light, Life) Col. 1:27

32. Love is the fulfilling of ALL The Law. Romans 13:10

33. All things work together for good, for those who love God. Romans 8:18

I AM the VINE, ye are the branches, ye can do NOTHING Without Me" John 15: 1-12

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Jeff is a disciple of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His mind is disciplined by persistent study of the word of God. He boldly stands and teaches the gospel in ways that touches peoples hearts to be able to see deeper layers revealed in the scriptures.

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